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2008-07-02 - Purpose Driven Life - Real Servants (part 2)

Real servants do every task with equal dedication

Whatever you do, do it with all your heart - Colossians 3:23
You are never too [fill in the blank] to be a servant
Jesus specialized in menial tasks:

  • washing feet
  • helping children
  • fixing breakfast
  • servng lepers

Small taks often show a big heart
Little things determine big things
Race to be a leaders is crowded but the field is wide open for those willing to be servants

Real servants are faithful to their ministry

Servants finish tasks, fullfill their responsibilities, and complete their commitments
Can you be counted on by others?
We want to God to say, "Well gone, good and faithful servant" - Matthew 25:23

Real Servants maintain a low profile

Put on the apron of humility, to serve one another - 1 Peter 5:5
Not about show  - If we are trying to please men (including ourselves) we can not be a servant of Christ - Galatians 1:10

Servants are content with quietly serving in the shadows
Wouldn't find many true servants in any Halls of Fame or Who's who books

Be confident that nothing you do for God is a waste of time or effort - 1 Corinthians 15:58

2008-07-04 - Purpose Driven Life - Thinking Like a Servant (part 2)

Servants think about their work, not what others are doing

They do not compare, criticize, or compete with other servants; same goal and same team
When you are busy serving, you don't have time to be critical
Our job is not to evaluate - Lord will determine the sucessfulness  of his servant - Romans 14:4

If you serve like Jesus, expect to be criticized
The service of the sinful (pouring perfume on Jesus) was though to be a waste but just though of it as significant - Matthew 26:10

Servants base their identity in Christ

They are loved and accepted by grace, servants don't have to prove their worth
Jesus washing feet - Jesus understood his worth and the task did not threathen his self-image - John 13:3-4

Insecure people are always worrying about how they appear; want others to serve them instead
Only God's approval counts - 2 Corinthians 10:18

Servants think of ministry as an opportunity, not an obligation

Serve the Lord with gladness - Psalms 100:2
The Father rewards anyone who serves him - John 12:26
He will not forget how hard you have worked - Hebrews 6:10

The only really happy people are those who have learned to serve

2008-07-12 - Purpose Driven Life - Sharing Your Message (Testimony)
Your message includes testimony

Tell other of the difference he made for you - 1 Peter 2:9

Witnessing = simply sharing your personal experiences regarding the Lord

In court witness are NOT expected to:
  • Prove the truth
  • Argue the case
  • Press for a verdict
Witnesses simply report what happened to them or what they saw
You will be my witnesses - Acts 1:8

Personal stories:
  • Easier to relate to than principles
  • Capture our attention
  • People are naturally curious about experiences they never have had
  • Builds a relational bridge
  • Bypasses intellectual defenses
Be ready to all times to answer for your hope - 1 Peter 3:15-16

Four parts of your testimony:
  1. What my life was before Christ
  2. How I realized I needed Jesus
  3. How I committed my life to Jesus
  4. The difference Jesus has made in my life

2008-07-17 - Purpose Driven Life - Becoming a World-Class Christian (part 3)
Shift from "here and now" thinking to eternal thinking

Eternal thinking will keep us from majoring on minor issues
We fix our eyes on what is unseen - 2 Corinthians 4:18
Deal sparingly on things the world trusts on you - 1 Corinthians 7:31
Let's strip off anything that holds us back - Hebrews 12:1

Invest in the future (in heaven)
Store up treasure in heaven - Matthew 6:20-21
Real treasure in God in heaven and the friends we can bring with us - 1 Timothy 6:19

2008-07-28 - 30 Days at the Cross - Life through Death

Voluntary surrender is not easy; never comfortable nor enjoyable
Christ can not be formed in us until we are crucified with him - Galatians 2:20 ; Galatians 4:19

Rebellion comes from man's desire to be God
Satan tried to delute the solution to create powerless religions
Our lives do not change at the deepest level and have the same problems as the world

Only when we are sick of our old nature will we be convinced to totally sell out to God
Death to self seems preferable to life

Most of our cires are designed to produce our surrender
Jesus served through suffering - Hebrews 5:8-9
Can not mature without surrender - Hebrews 12:5-11
Many harships come so we enter heaven - Acts 14:22

So how do we go about taking up our cross?

  1. Absolutely commited to the concept - John 12:23-25
  2. Be committed to prayer about surrender - "I surrender" and "Help my lack of suddender"
  3. Be committed to a relationship with another disciple - Share convictions and be open
  4. Be committed to stretching your comfort zone - Do things you can not do without his help
  5. Realize that surrender brings about absolute freedom - life through death will cease the puzzling paradox


2008-08-15 - 30 Days at the Cross - Nothing but the Best
Do what comes naturally. Get in touch with who you are. Do what feels right. Be true to yourself. - These are the ideas the world tells us.
Do they really change our lives?

Jesus' blood shed challenges us to reconsider our empty way of life

What a person is willing to give reveals a lot about the person
Jesus was the perfect Son and an exact representation of God - Hebrews 1:3

God's precious and costly sacrifice seeks and demands a response.

Make every effort is the only appropriate response - 2 Peter 1:5-7
Motivated by God's grace and example, we can increase our faith

Sin weakens our character, steals our energy, and undermines our determination

2008-08-29 - Teach Us To Pray - The God who Enjoys Hearing and Watching Us

We enjoy accomplishment: meeting a deadline, A on a test

Imagine the incredible feeling God must have experienced when he first viewed his own creation:

  • Enjoyed developing Israel into a beautiful bride - Ezekiel 16:1-4
  • Joyously san through the angels when his Son was born - Luke 2:8-14
  • When the church was born - Acts 2

How would iy affect your prayer life if you had a deep conviction that God enjoys his relationship with you?
Sometime I feel like a bother to God, a frustration to him or a source of disappointment

God Enjoys Hearing Us Talking to Him
The longer we are in the Lord, the more secure and real we should be in our prayers
David communicated whatever he felt - God was able to discipline him to be the "man after his own heart"
Do you enjoy the fact that you can be totally real with God?

God Enjoys Watching Us
Parents enjoy children playing soccer, sing in a play, and read the Bible
God is the same way

2008-08-31 - Teach Us To Pray - Hungry and Thirsty (part 1)

True prayer is a yearning for God
Most people in the developed world have never been really hungry and do not know what it is like

In the Bible a hunger for God always ends in prayer
My soul yearns for the courts of the Lord - Psalms 84:1-2
My soul thrists for you like a parched land - Psalms 143:6

God invites us to find satisfaction in Him
Come all you are thristy, come to the waters - Isaiah 55:1
He will satisfy your needs - Isaiah 58:11
Are you trying to find satisfaction some other place?


2008-09-06 - Teach Us To Pray - Praise and Thanksgiving
God's plan is a blessing and not a burden - 1 John 5:3
Once we lose our gratitude, we have lost everything

Growing in Gratitude
  1. Realize God has chosen you - Choose you for the purpose of telling the world about him - 1 Peter 2:9
  2. See God in everything - Train your mind to look at God and not self - Colossians 1:11-12
  3. Express and verbalize your gratitude - Psalms 39:4-5
Challenge: Pray for 30 minutes just thanking God for specific details in our your life

2008-09-07 - Teach Us To Pray - Honesty and Openness
Honest communication is crucial element to any great relationship: God, spouse, children.

Consider how ludicrous it is to not be real with God:
  • He knows what is in our hearts
  • He knows what we are really seeking
  • He knows what we need
Only honesty with God makes sense!

  • He questioned the wisdom of God's choice
  • Argued his lack of eloquence
  • Says he does not want the responsibility
  • He is honest - he gives God something to work with - Exodus 4:13
David - example of his Psalms:
  • Why do you hide yourself in trouble? - Psalms 10:1-2 - logically does not make sense but this is where David was
  • Later, he works it out in prayer (v17) - LORD, you have heard the request of the oppressed; you make them feel secure because you listen to their prayer.

It is in our openness that we hear our faithlessness and can turn away from it.

God wants a relationship with you
He wants to know our longings, aspirations, problems, anxieties, doubts, and even our sin

2008-09-10 - Teach Us To Pray - Alone and in Private

Mark 1:35, Matthew 14:13, and Luke 4:42 - shows us that Jesus often went to solitary places to pray

Solitude is essential in developing a deep relation ship with God
Be still and know I that I am from God - Psalms 46:10
Do you have a special place where you meet with God?

Psalms 5, 38, and 42 are examples of how open and expressive David was with God
He shared everything from joy and delight to anguish and dispair
How open are you with God?
God wants our hearts
As a result, we are much more open and real with others

We get fired up by sermons, fellowship, and music - Jesus went to be alone
There is nothing in your life that God cannot change

Prayer times make special memories
Israelites setup stones to remind them of what God had done - Joshua 4:7

Ideas for times with God:

  • Write a love letter
  • Sing a song you composed
  • Write on a ballon, let it go
  • Hang a poster and write the things God has done


2008-09-17 - Teach Us To Pray - The Harvest Is Plentiful
Jesus promises a great harvest but the worker are few (Matthew 9:35-38):
  • Even when there was a large crows of disciples - Luke 6:17
  • Even when the is a entire town gathered - John 4:2
God controls the harvest
Fruitfulness limited primarily by one thing - God himself

Gratitude control the harvest
Luke 9 - The charge was to preach the kingdom and heal the sick
They gave to everyone who had need - Acts 2:43-47
Salvation wasn't just a doctrine rather a reality in their lives
Jesus spent much of his time meeting physical needs, feeding, comforting, healing, serving
As a result, people spread the word even more
Reflects the power of meeting needs and our heart as a worker

To acquire this heart, we need to pray:
  • For the strength to live this way
  • For the trust needed to believe
  • For the supplies necessary to meet every need
  • For the godliness to live as the Bible directs

2008-10-03 - Man of Prayer - Relationship

After asking for help from the Holy Spirit, then focus on the relationship with
Prayer is primarily a vehicle of relationship

Pater (greek) = father
Abba (aramaic) = intimacy and endearment = daddy

Holy Spirit in our lives is a spirit of adoption by which God give us our spiritual birthright (Romans 8:16; Galatians 4:6)

He delights when we come to Him as our Father, Abaa, Daddy:

  • Mr. Bentson - wrong
  • Mr. Benson - contact
  • Benson - co-worker
  • Chad - friend
  • Dad - daughter
  • Honey - wife

The closer you are, the better responce you will get
He delights in your desire to spend time with Him

This relationship is critical to a healthy and vitaul prayer life
His fatherhood becomes real in my life
Bridge the gap between what I know in my head and what I experience in my life

2008-10-15 - Man of Prayer - Understanding the Kingdom
In the New Testament, kingdom is used from the Greek word basileai
Refers to "realm" of a king
Westerners think "kingdom speaks of geography

Biblical times emphasized "reign" or "dominion" = wherever the king reigns

The kingdom is within you - Luke 17:21
Seek first His kingdom (not a piece of real estate) - Matthew 6:33

God ultimately reigns over the entire universe but for the moment God does not reign everywhere on earth
Until then we must pray to advance God's kingdom everywhere

2008-10-19 - Man of Prayer - Praying for our family

There is no greater privilege and responsibility than to pray for our spouse and children
It boggles the imagination to see how the quality of our family life can be affected by exercise this privilege

Powerful spiritual forces of evil try to undermine God's foundational institutions like the family

Bible clearly teaches that our struggle come from the spiritual forces outside conscious perception - Ephesians 6:12
Praying sometimes make things worst (at the beginning) because Satan is on the attack

Each of us need to realize that how we pray for our spouse is limited only by our creativity
If you want the kind of relationship that God intended you to have with your wife, prayer will be a major factor in seeing that desire realized

When we have been faithful in praying for my children, we have a great sense of peace about their lives
Christian dads have a tremendous privilege and a straggering responsibilty to pray their children

2008-11-16 - Raising Awesome Kids - First Things First (part 1)
Unless the Lord builds the house, its builder labor in vain - Psalms 127:1

We have someone or something we love most in this world

Jesus must be our first love
He must be our life, not just a part of it

Been crucified with Christ and I no longer live but Christ lives in me - Galatians 2:20
To live is Christ - Philippians 1:21

This is the key to everything

Your kids must see that Jesus is a real person to you
You walk with him and love him as a brother

You can not fake it - kids can spot a fake

2008-11-17 - Raising Awesome Kids - First Things First (part 2)
When Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment is:
Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, mind, soul, and strength - Mark 12:30

Committed to God vs committed to a person
Deeply loves God vs being religious

  • Such a life is attractive
  • They will want to be like you
  • Will see something inside is real
  • Will see the difference

Were we one time zealous - before we got married and had kids?
Where am I today?

Have I allowed "life's worries, riches, and pleasures" to choke my relationship with God? - Mark 4:19


2008-11-23 - Raising Awesome Kids - Provision and Protection
If anyone does not provide for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever - 1 Timothy 5:8

Our families should never have to worry about where the next meal is coming from
Our Heavenly Father provides for all our physical needs - Matthew 6:25-34
We should not imitate him in caring for my children?

He works his land , will have abundant food - Proverbs 28:19
Get adequate medical insurance - so you do not burden your family will major costs

Takes care of things around the house
Do the repair jobs and maintenance work
Husbands who are lazy - kids will see this and either disrespect us or gladly imitate us in it

Fathers are protectors
If any family member is in a situation where they are being beaten down, overwhelmed - this is the time to act
Should not shield them from the realities of life, but from the forces from which they become helpless

2008-11-25 - Raising Awesome Kids - Model of Masculinity
In the image of God he created male and female - Genesis 1:27
Kids are extremely aware of the difference

World is so mixed up - men want to be women; women wanting to be men
Unnatural relations - Romans 1:24-27

The answer - the real thing will outshine the twisted

Homosexuality is not natural
No young boy was made that way by God

A great relationship with a strong, affectionate father reduces to virtually zero
Mama's boy or sissy:
  • Don't reject him
  • Don't ridicule him
  • Teach him to relate confidently to other boys
  • Teach him sports and manly skills
Daughters need a strong, affectionate father - gives her security
Needs sense of approval

If you are kind, strong and have a close relationship with your daughter, she will want to marry someone like you

2008-12-02 - Raising Awesome Kids - Teach Them About God's Love
They should be taught from infancy that:
  • God cares for them
  • God knows all about them
  • God takes delight in them
  • He longs to be close to them
Your children's view of God is the most important lesson you will ever teach them
It shapes their whole view of life and reality

Continue teaching, do not foist your past (if bad) on your child:
They have been assigned a personal angel to look after them - Matthew 18:10

2008-12-08 - Raising Awesome Kids - Respect (part 2)

How can we tell if our oldrer chidlren are disrepectful?

  • Slamming doors
  • Rolling eyes
  • Muttering
  • List is endless

Our children honoring us is to show honor to God and his plan
As our children come to respect our authority, they learn to respect God himself

Claim your authority! Expect to respected!
If you not expect it, you will not get it

Children really want deep down inside - the confidence from knowing their limits
They want to know how far they can go

2008-12-18 - Raising Awesome Kids - Dreary Disobedience (part 2)

Israelites - if only we had meat; we never see anything but manna - Numbers 11:4-10
Any grumbling we do is really grumbling against God

God met the needs of the Israelites but he punished them for their attitude - Numbers 11:33
God did want to their needs to be known
Complaining springs selfishness and ingratitude

Must teach our kids to be grateful
Also teach them to express their wishes, opinions, likes and dislikes in a pleasant, positive tone of voice

2008-12-19 - Raising Awesome Kids - Power of Discipline (part 1)

vWhat are we to do when our children disobey us?

  1. Verbal correction or reprimand
  2. One-warning rule - if your instructions are not followed, give one verbal warning
  3. Immediate Correction - the closer to the time of the offense, the more effective the action; delays also creates a tense, fearful atomsphere
  4. Temporary Isolation

Great with kids who love to be in the middle of the action
Don't let them ruining everyone else's fun

One way they learn to gain control over us - let them have their way
We are going to have a great time - they will realize that no one is mourning their loss

2008-12-26 - Raising Awesome Kids - Specifics


  • Start early to build on good points and strengthen any areas of weakness
  • Even a child is know by his actions

Beliefs and faith in God - Trust God in prayer / stand for the truth


  • Teach them to love life
  • Expect them to do their best
  • Teach them to expect God to move powerfully

Values - good morals - honesty and purity - if learned young - they will not abanon them

Personality, demeanor, and manners

Train them to have a pleasant personality traits
  • Some need to realize that our kids are not likable
  • Don't let your kids be social outcasts, weird, or rude
  • Some kids think they are hilarious when they are not
  • Other act strangle to get a attention
  • Some are are bland wall flowers

2008-12-30 - Raising Awesome Kids - Mistakes Parents Make
1. Being basically critical
If you mostly see the negative things about your kids - what they will see about themselves

2. Failing to teach
Teach the basics - throw a ball

3. Failing to express praise and admiration
Say what we love, like, respect, and appreciation

4. Spending little or no exclusive time
Always too busy - then you are too busy
They will conclude that they are unimportant and worthless

5. Showing favoritism
Comparing to each other - will breed frustration, jealousy, and bitterness

6. Pushing too hard, too soon
Let them be kids

7. Parental self-degradation
Downgrade yourself in front of your children
Will hurt their view of life and of themselves

8. Living our lives through our children
End up pushing your kids into things they don't really care about

2009-01-03 - Raising Awesome Kids - Foundations of a Spiritual Family
Spiritual = to be on the inside what we trying to do one the outside: to be genuine, not to live a pretense of religious performance but to function out of a sincere relationship with God

A spiritual family is where:
  • God is honored
  • God's presence is sought and experienced in daily life
  • Prayer is an ongoing reality
  • The Bible faithfully read and obeyed
  • There is love for God's church and is fully involved in its fellowship and ministry
  • There is times of worship, praise, and study
  • The children have their own times of personal Bible study
  • The parents spend regular times with each child to disciple them to Christ
  • A group that is dedicated to helping other become disciples of Jesus
Much more than being good, nice, or church-going family - be those things and not be spiritual

We can not take our families where we have not gone
Children can spot a fake

We must be:
  • Genuine in our love for God
  • Consistent in our walk with him
  • Wholehearted in our dedication
Six areas to be discussed:
  1. Prayer
  2. Discipling times
  3. Family devotionals
  4. Devotion to Church
  5. Evangelistic lifestyle
  6. Children's Quiet Times

2009-01-05 - Raising Awesome Kids - Discipling Times
These are times set to spend alone time with your child to talk with them, teach them the Bible, and pray with them
Can begin as soon as your child can communicate fairly well

Never let discipling times become boring and burdensome duty
Try to go somewhere out of the house if possible
Try to have set hours

Select a topic and verse to share
Realize that there may be a different topic that need to be discuss depending on the situation
Compare notes with your spouse

Read verses together > Talk about them > Take action > Share with the rest of the family

These are incredible times to draw your children closer to God and you

2009-01-21 - Jesus with People - Going Deeper

We want to be know but we keep a safe distance
Jesus has X-ray vision to our hear and see right our heart

John 4:39 - Samaritan women:

  • She was minding her own business
  • Ran into Jesus and was never the same
  • Will you give me a drink he asked - the fact that he (a Jew) spoke to her told her (a Samaritan) that there was some very different about Jesus
  • Whoever drinks from living water will never thirst again - John 4:13-14
  • He confronted her sin and help her see the emptiness of her life
  • He wanteed her to see who she was without God
  • Due to her discomfort, the woman tried to change to subject
  • Jesus skillfully drove out her fears with his love -  brought her back to the conversation of life
  • She shared with others

We too can be afraid of seeing who we really are
When we opened up and were forgiven,  we couldn't wait to tell other either

To set people free, we must be like Jesus:

  • Relate to them in deep ways
  • Not studying the Bible superficially - not helping them see who they are without God
  • Ask the difficult questions
  • Expose sin so they will see their deepest need for Jesus

Jesus' love and acceptance allowed the woman/us to be real and to change

2009-01-23 - Jesus with People - Touching the Untouchable

Jesus had compassion and healed the man with leprosy - Luke 5:12-18
Jesus is filled with compassion - Mark 1:41

Jesus was different:

  • He hurt for those whose lives were devastated by illness
  • He went to great lengths to be with them
  • Helped and encouraged them
  • Made himself available to them and spent many hours with them - Mark 1:32-34

What Jesus did we can also do (beside healing):

  • Include those who are sick when you can
  • Find ways to serve
  • Help and encourage

Society shrinks back - hospitals are not our favorite place
Jesus reached out his hand and touched
The sick need real involvement in their lives

Somehow, we think that the person is responsible for his or her condition
In some cases yes, but we can not oversimplify God's working in our world

Job "friends" did not understand what God was doing
How unsearchale his judgement and his paths beyond tracing out - Romans 11:33

How can I imitate Jesus by "reaching out" in compassion to the sick?

2009-02-02 - Jesus with People - Seeing and Not Seeing
Luke 7:36-50 - Simon, I have something to tell you
Jesus is able to cut through the muck - right to the heart
He had outspoken clarity - Luke 7:40

In truth Simon saw neither the woman or himself for how they really were

Jesus did see the woman - Her sin was obvious as her brokenness
He actions came from her new sense of reality
Once she saw Jesus, she responded the only way she could have - compelled by love - 2 Corinthians 5:14

Jesus' words should have cut Simon deeply - But he who has been forgiven little lives little

He wants to have a relationship with us
Think of trying to have a relationship with ant - talking with it, caring for it and especially dying for it - it is unfathomable!

How many times did Jesus change people's view if God?

Who am I most like: Simon or the sinful woman?

2009-02-08 - Jesus with People - Trusting

In his torment, he sees the need of his mother and he entrusts her to John's care - John 19:25-27

Jesus let John know that he trust him and needs him to take care of his mother
God in the flesh yet her express his need to John's help

John was transformed from "son of thunder" to "Apostle of Love"
John later teaches us that if we say we love God but no our brother that we are a liar - 1 John 4:19-20

The problem with not feeling close, real, or trust is our issue

How close, real, and trusting are your relationships?

What do your relationships with people tell you about your relationship with God?

2009-02-13 - Jesus with People - Jesus Wept

Upon hearing about the death of his close friend Lazarus, Jesus wept...

Jesus really felt the emotions that we feel
He fully divine and fully human at the same time
He knows what it is like to experience loss, pain, hurt, and fatigue

Why did he cry? Scripture does not say. Could be because:

  • He felt the hurt of Mary and Martha
  • He was expressing the hurt of the loss of his friend
  • He was antipating his own death

Who are your deepest relationships in the church?

2009-02-14 - Jesus with People - Jesus Won

When Jesus first heard the news about Lazarus, Jesus declared that his illness was not going to be fatal - John 11:4

When Lazarus died, the disciples probably thought that he really blew it this time

Good thing Jesus called lazarus by nameotherwise every corpse in cemetery may have come out

The story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead foreshadows Jesus' own resurrection after three days in the tomb

Jesus is a victor over death
The phrase goes: Two things are certain - death and taxes

While some could not pay taxes for a while; no one but Jesus can conquer death

Do you fear death? How does your relationship with Jesus change the way you once thought?

2009-02-16 - Jesus with People - Widows Emotional Sacrifice
Be careful for your hearts will be weighed down with anxieties of life and that day will close on you unexpectedly like a trap - Luke 21:34

Sacrifice requires that we take control of the anxieties of our lives
It is a daily struggle

In order to change our character weaknesses, true emotional sacrifice is needed
  1. We must admit that we are sinful
  2. We must realize Jesus has called us to follow him and be righteous
  3. Humbly commit to change
  4. We must change
The solutions are simple, emotional sacrifice is not

2009-03-10 - Promises of God - God is Merciful
God is merciful - Deuteronomy 4:29-31

Even when you have sinned greatly and even when you think - This time I have really blown it
God promises if from there you seek him, even from a deep dark hole of shame, disappointment and failure - you will find him
Must be with all of your heart

We are not the best judge for our own repentance
Our loved should know and should be asked

It is from the deepest darkest hole that that God promises are the most truest

For the Lord your God is a merciful God; he will not abandon or destroy you - Deuteronomy 4:31

2009-03-30 - Promises of God - God Sees and Cares
When feeling that no really understands....

Did God cause this situation?
Is here angry with me?
Is he disappointed in my reactions?
Does my fear mean I don't trust him?

David displayed many of these emotions
Even with these emotions, we also see a firm trust in God

God so aware of the pain David was suffering that God kept a record of every tear that was shed - Psalms 56:8

2009-04-01 - Promises of God - No Disappointment
No one will be disappointed in heaven
No mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him - 1 Corinthians 2:9

Not even the most creative can envision
No analogy can really do it justice
No metaphor for it will ever be good enough

Boredom will be as absent in heaven as sorrow, pain, and tears

Jesus said he came to give us life to the full - John 10:10
Started hear on earth in his kingdom on earth

It will be a blast, a feast
It will never end

Our new birth brings us into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade - kept in heaven - 1 Peter 1:4

2009-04-08 - Promises of God - Tireless Labor
Satan works quickly to wear us down

Fatigue and discouragement are his greatest tools

Do you realize God can give you energy?

Luke 17:7-10 and Galatians 6:9 -> gives energy to never quit

Focusing on how hard something is will never product the desired fruit
Focusing on God and letting others help us product tireless labor

Moses needed Aaron and Hur to hold up his hands
Ester needed Mordecai to carry out the plan to save the Israelities
Jesus needed Simon to carry his cross

God provides helps when we labor tirelessly for him

2009-04-11 - Promises of God - Satan Tries to Create Doubt
Satan uses his energy and his demons to break down our trust in God:

Eve in the garden - Genesis 3:1-7
Moses at the burning bush - Exodus 3:1-4:17
Tried it will Jesus in the desert - Luke 4:1-13

Do you really think his strategy with us will be any different?

Satan will attempt to get us to doubt God so much that we will trust a stranger more than him

Problem is not that we do not know how to trust

  • Asked about your doctor's educational background?
  • Arrived at the airport early to check the aircraft mechanic's work?
The problem is know who to trust

2009-06-12 - A Life of Impact - Expectation and Encouragement


Mark 1:1

  • He expected a lot out of Himself
  • He knew he was born to save the world
  • Wallow in self-pity, to cower in fear, or simply giving up is inappropriate behavior

Mark 1:2-8 - People consistently live up to the perceptions others have of them


Mark 1:9-11

  • He told him that he was special
  • God is a god who initiates love
  • How would we change if we realized the amount of love God has for us

2009-07-11 - A Life of Impact - A passion for truth

Mark 7:14-23 - He had no stomach for the misdirection spread by the Pharisees and the Teachers of the Law

High Expectations

  • He let them know that they were spiritually stupid.
  • How many of us are willing to rebuke when asked a stupid question by people who should know better?
  • Jesus was determined that these men would rise above the rank and file.
  • He got upset and urged them to change
  • The dreamer never gives up the dream.


  • The responsibility for our actions resides with us, the decision makers, and not with our environment.
  • We are not simply a product of our environment; environment is determined by our choices.
  • We cannot rightly blame others or fate or circumstances for our behavior
  • We must take responsibility for the consequences of our decisions
  • Changes in people occur from the inside out. · Involves helping people to acknowledge what they are really like deep down and then to deal with their inner self
  • We cannot on our own change our own or someone else’s heart.
  • We must realize how desperately we need God’s intervention in out lives.
  • The Bible exposes, in a unbiased way, the true qualities of our hearts.
  • Deep character changes in our lives fuels our faith.

2009-07-20 - A Life of Impact - Hardline and Affirmation


Mark 8:34-9:1

  • Attitudes generally do not float in isolation – whistling teapot principle
  • Jesus chose the most challenging words spoken by any leader.
  • Words used:
  • "If anyone…"
    • "…he must…"
    • "…deny himself…"
    • "…take up his cross…"
    • "…whoever wants to save his life will lose it…"
  • His primary concern was for their immortal souls. No wonder he had such impact!!


Mark 9:2-13

  • People are encouraged when they realize that we are indeed in line with the expectations of our superiors.
  • They will also be inspired when they understand that their support for us is essential for the overall success.

2009-08-20 - Wild at Heart - Intro (part 2)
Deep within man there are some fundamental questions
    Who am I?
    What am I made of?
    What am I destined for?

Today’s man
    Endless hours at the computer
    Requires man to be efficient and punctual
    Is this what boys dream of?
    Where are the real men?
    Did you ever dream of being a nice guy?

We are told we don’t know how to:
    Keep our promises
    Talk to our wives
    Raise our children

Some women want passive men
    Wonder why they have no access to their heart

God made the masculine heart – Come live out what I meant you to be
    He does not make generic people – man/women

2009-08-27 - Wild at Heart - Question that haunts every man (part 1)
Men look in their hearts but they don’t discover something valiant and dangerous
Find fear, lust, and anger
"All men die, few men really ever live"
Women - Many have given up hope for a true man.

Real life of the average man seems a universe away from the desire of his heart
  1. No battle to fight
  2. No swords and castles
  3. Without a great battle in which a man live and die - fierce part goes underground
Men are angry – and we don’t know why
Why are men addicted to sports? - biggest adventure many will ever taste
Careers? Same reason
Trading stock – taste of excitement and risk

Guys have been told to be responsible

2009-08-28 - Wild at Heart - Question that haunts every man (part 2)
Every man knows there is something wrong, but can not figure out what it is
Man’s deepest fear is being found out – discovered as a impostor and not really a man
Every man feels that the world is asking him to be something he doubts very much he has it in him to be

How do you see yourself as a man?
Are words like: strong, passionate and dangerous word you would choose?
Do you have the courage to ask those in your life what they think of you as a man?

Manly to – hunt, fix cars, survive in the wild

Why don’t men play the man?
Why don’t they offer their strength to a world that needs it?
  • We doubt very much that we have and real strength to offer
  •  If we did offer what we have it wouldn’t be good enough

2009-09-03 - Wild at Heart - The wound (part 3)
Masculinity – boy craves (passed between men)

Boys love to wrestle
  • physical contact
  • sandpaper of my whiskers
  • to test their fathers
Do they have a strength like dad’s?
Is it growing, real, substantive?

Mother does not give new respect to son - hurts
Clinging mother - she feels rejected and son feels guilty
Many adult resent their mothers and do not know why
Mom did not let go and dad did not take him away

We do not grow up wondering if we are going to be a nice boy. Be wild and we need to know that

2009-09-05 - Wild at Heart - Battle for a mans heart (part 1)
Jesus told us to turn the other cheek. We can not turn a cheek we do not have. Church full of such men
Many have their soul hanging in the balance because no one invited them to be dangerous and to know their own strength or to discover they have what it takes
I feel like I have to ask for permission
Nearly every blow ends up falling in the same place - against our strength
Life takes one vertebra at a time until he has no spine at all

Boy are 3-4 times more likely to be diagnosed as suffering from ADD
Society teaches to be a nice guy -– to be soft
Women are often attracted to wilder men, but once have caught him they settle down to task of domesticating him

How do I get my husband to come alive? Invite him to be dangerous
Women don’t start wars
Violent crimes aren’t really committed by women.
Our prisons aren’t filled with women

2009-09-06 - Wild at Heart - Battle for a mans heart (part 2)
Boys are in plentiful supply, but it seems fewer and fewer men

Two reasons
  • We do not know how to initiate boys into men
  • We are not sure we really want to
  • slavery stopped
  • Nazis were stopped
  • Who gave up their seats on the Titanic?
Men are being taken out left and right
They have lost heart
Becoming a Christian is like being called to the front lines

Wounds are far too consistent to be accidental
Do you know why there’s been such an assault?

2009-09-07 - Wild at Heart - The enemy fears you
If you ever really got your heart back, lived from it with courage, you would be a huge problem to him
Many men have not been shown how to fight from the heart.
Failure of fathers and left men without direction
If you want the wound healed and your strength restored and to find your true name, you re going to have to fight for it.

Notice your reaction at these words.
Does another come in and caution you to stop
We need to know who we are and if we have what it takes

A man’s core question does not go away
We search for the answer of validation
  • Career
  • Belonging
  • How well he plays sports
  • Yes, even women

2009-09-09 - Wild at Heart - The fathers voice (part 2)
When we see Jesus, Joseph is out of the picture – true father God – he had to learn who he really was and made of.
Initiation involves a journey and a series of tests.
We try to make our lives easier.

What are you trying to teach me here?
What issues in my heart are you trying to rise through this?
What is it you want me to see?
What are you asking me to let go of?

Men are taught that a wound that stops you from playing is a girlish wound.
No wonder we walk with our guts hanging out
Most men minimize their wound
David did not act like this at all - openly - “my heart is wounded within me” - Psalms 109:22
Suck it up, as the saying goes

God is fiercely committed to you
Wound that goes unacknowledged and unwept is a wound that cannot heal
You’ve embraced and deserve is a would that cannot heal
Whatever is denied cannot heal
Certainly denial that it’s shaping the way they live today.

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