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2008-07-22 - 30 Days at the Cross - Hating Sin

We can feel pain because God feels pain
By his wounds you have been healed - 1 Peter 2:24


  • Have you loved someone wholeheartedly and they stopped loving you?
  • Has someone take advantage of you?
  • Have you ever been neglected, forgotten, or rejected?

Amazing grace cost amazing pain

Don't you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? - James 4:4-5

How does God feel about:

  • Lack of trust?
  • Sexual sin?
  • Lack of care?
  • Being pushed aside because of school or business?
The greater capacity to love, the greater the capacity to feel pain

Imagine that you can home from work and you found a dog that just kill your child
We killed Jesus with our sin, how should we be treated?
  • How do you feel about sin? Do you hate it?
  • Do you allow sin to stay around?
Your hatred toward sin is in proportion to your love for the one who died for you
Resist the devil and he will flee; Come near to God and he will near to you - James 4:7-10

2008-07-24 - 30 Days at the Cross - Freedom of Forgiveness
True forgiveness - made possible by God

Jesus forgave when it was most difficult by:

Facing the truth

Jesus didn't expect life to be fair
He expected God to be fair
He accepted everything from God without question (in the end)
Judas only received kindness from Jesus
Taught forgiving your brother should be limitless - Luke 17:1-5

Feeling the pain

Jesus was totally honest with his feeling both God and man
Greatest test was at the garden of Gethsemane

Freeing his heart

He trusted his Father and focused on him rather than on his own pain
He yielded to God's sense of justice in the most unjust situation

1 Peter 2:23
  • He made no treats
  • He did not retaliate
We must follow Jesus example:
  • He honest and call sin, sin
  • Allow ourselves to feel the pain - fear or anger
  • Surrender to God or be bitter, resent, or even apathy

2008-07-27 - 30 Days at the Cross - Who Gets the Credit?

How quick human nature is to accept credit for certain accomplishments
God made us and enables us to do everything
What do you have that you did not receive? - 1 Corinthians 4:7

I will not boast about myself, except my weaknesses (Paul) - 2 Corinthians 12:5

Why boast about our weaknesses?

  • The cross affrirms our worth
  • Frees us from performing
  • So that Christ's power may rest on us - 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

Who would want the power of God?

A person that truly boasts in the cross does not:

  • Pull away when not feeling appreciate enough
  • Rely on recongnition of other to stay faithful
  • Takes correction without prove their ways
  • Prove thry already know something
  • Project an image of self-worth
  • Have a competive spirit

Jesus could keep a full record of your credits and debts - but do you want that? sin and all?
All credit should go to Jesus

Are you trying to earn your salvation
Boast in your weaknesses. Live in the power of God.

2008-08-05 - Questions and Answers - Part 6

Answered the following questions in the Q & A section:

  1. Is marriage approved?
  2. Is there one God or more than one God?
  3. Should our good works be seen or unseen?
  4. Was Christ's mission peace or not?
  5. Was Christ's testimony of himself is true?
  6. Was Keturah Abrahams' wife or concubine?
  7. Where did Cain get his wife?


2008-08-06 - Questions and Answers - Part 7

Answered the following questions in the Q & A section:

  1. Did God put all rulers in power?
  2. Is God present everywhere, sees all things, and knows all things?
  3. Should we observe the Sabbath?
  4. Should we practice physical resistance?
  5. Should work be done on the Sabbath?
  6. Was Jesus the only one to ascend into heaven?
  7. Was John the Baptist Elijah?
  8. Was there one or two men seeking Jesus?
  9. What is God's anger like?


2008-08-08 - 30 Days at the Cross - Problems or Possibilities
Suffering is a problem for us:
  • We don't like it
  • Trouble figuring it out
  • Try hard to avoid it

We spend too much time asking questions:
  • Why is God doing this to me?
  • Is this from God or Satan?
  • Why does he allow me to suffer like this?
It is the response that matters, Jesus' response was:
  • Jesus, through suffering, was made perfect - Matthew 26:36-46
  • Our Lord sympathizes with our weakness - Hebrews 2:18
  • He was without sin during his sufferings- Hebrews 4:15
  • He forgave during his sufferings - Luke 23:34
  • Accepted God's will for His life
We should not be concerned on why but how we will respond

We should:
  • Consider it a pure joy - James 1:2
  • Know it is for our maturity - James 1:3-4
  • Know it is an opportunity to prove our faith - 1 Peter 1:6
Look for the lesson, make sure your suffering counts for someone
The issue is how you respond and how you will respond in the future

2008-08-11 - 30 Days at the Cross - Seeing It Through
It is not hard to start something but it takes character to finish

What did it take for Jesus to reach his goal? Nothing less than a relationship with the Father and death

With dull disciples - could have become impatient
Exhausted after a long journey - could have become selfish
He never gave in

How did he stay so determined to overcome?
Offered prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears - Hebrews 5:7

Jesus shed tears for:
  • the lost
  • the people he met and healed
  • his disciples to stay faithful
  • his family who thought he was crazy
  • the children
Knowing that God heard his cries, he found victory over discouragement, anxiety, doubt, and loneliness
We are aware of our ineffectiveness, we focus on what we should be doing but neglect our relationship with God

2008-08-13 - 30 Days at the Cross - Lasting Impact
We learn that we should pursue: fame, fortune, and material possessions from the world

Jesus refutes all that we have learned - service, sacrifice, and spiritual power
  • Connection to the highest places - John 1:11
  • His ability to move the masses was unparalleled - Matthew 7:28
  • His understanding of what it takes to succeed was clear and unwavering - John 12:23-24
  • He stayed on task until it was done - John 19:30

Many of us spend more time at work than any other single place
If we aren't living the cross here, how can we be living it at all

Honest is required - may mean less money or advancement

Time commitment - it is easy to get caught up at work
Every disciple needs to work hard - but what is the reason?
  • Working for a promotion
  • Earn more money
  • Gain material possessions
  • Working for the Lord - Colossians 3:23
Is it to please your boos, yourself, or God? - Rich young ruler - Matthew 19:16-30

How could a temporary ob on earth be more important than Jesus and his work?
If we compromise at work, how will we ever overcome the world?

2008-08-16 - 30 Days at the Cross - Trusting in Trial
Living by faith is not easy:
  • What will happen?
  • What will I get?
  • Will I be happy
To follow Jesus Christ we must live by faith - Romans 1:17

The cross was a test of faith for Jesus
  • Experienced the slience of God
  • Beaten and hung on the cross
  • Believed in the resurrection that he could not see
  • Could only see the blood, pain and faces of mockers
We see faith was under seige, also see that faith endured

Situations of life:
  1. Positive - grow quickly
  2. Difficult - the questions surface
  3. Tragic - faith needs to accept the situation, ask for help, and believe that God's power will be sufficient
Do you see your difficulties as burdens God shouldn't allow, or as tremendous opportunities to demonstrate faith?

2008-08-20 - 30 Days at the Cross - I Am Not Alone
Stress, word for the modern world, everyone has too much of it
Synonymical cousins: worry, frustration, and impatience
Vacation sometimes causes it
Sociologists and Psychologist make a lot of money because of it
Jesus never was described as stressed
Jesus was tempted in every way as we are - Hebrews 4:15

How did he conquer stress? He was not alone - John 16:31-32

Allowing stress to overwhelm us is sin - focus on ourselves
It tempts us to let our emotions lead over our convictions

Worry - always be thousands of reasons to worry - still sin
Frustration - thing don't go the way we think it should - we need faith

We too can overcome stress - we too are not alone

2008-08-29 - Teach Us To Pray - The God who Enjoys Hearing and Watching Us

We enjoy accomplishment: meeting a deadline, A on a test

Imagine the incredible feeling God must have experienced when he first viewed his own creation:

  • Enjoyed developing Israel into a beautiful bride - Ezekiel 16:1-4
  • Joyously san through the angels when his Son was born - Luke 2:8-14
  • When the church was born - Acts 2

How would iy affect your prayer life if you had a deep conviction that God enjoys his relationship with you?
Sometime I feel like a bother to God, a frustration to him or a source of disappointment

God Enjoys Hearing Us Talking to Him
The longer we are in the Lord, the more secure and real we should be in our prayers
David communicated whatever he felt - God was able to discipline him to be the "man after his own heart"
Do you enjoy the fact that you can be totally real with God?

God Enjoys Watching Us
Parents enjoy children playing soccer, sing in a play, and read the Bible
God is the same way

2008-09-19 - Teach Us To Pray - Direction for Decisions
Most difficult decision are not so much a question of right and wrong but rather what is good, better, and best
When ask according to God's will, he hears us - 1 John 5:14-15

God give wisdom in prayer (James 1:5) and through his Word (Hebrews 5:14)
He will give us wisdom to discern what is best

God also gives wisdom to men and women in his kingdom
It is would be foolish and arrogant to not actively seek out wisdom God has made available
Should imitate leaders faith - Hebrews 13:7

2008-09-21 - Teach Us To Pray - Friends and Loved Ones
To intercede or pray on someone else's behalf is a privilege
Our prayers are sacrifices which are pleasing to him - Hebrews 13:15

Paul: I want you to know how much I am struggling for you - Colossians 2:1
Who do you struggle for? How about people you have never meet?

Far be it that I should sin against the Lord by failing to pray to you - Samuel to King Saul - 1 Samuel 12:23

Jesus intercedes for us - Romans 8:34
Like a good friend, he adds or subtracts from what you are missing or need
Jesus makes us complete in God's sight

2008-09-22 - Teach Us To Pray - Enemies and Opposition

Whoever the enemies may be, the words of Jesus are still the same: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you - Matthew 5:44

It our enemies who afford us the opportunity to glory God by shining like stars - Philippians 2:15
This behavior is described in the Bible as "perfect" - Matthew 5:48
Only someone who loves God earnestly and has an eternal perspective on life is able to surrender

Must forgive and love our enemies to be permitted to be sons of God - Matthew 5:44

When praying for our enemies, we should focus on:

  1. Their need for forgiveness - Luke 23:34
  2. The power of God to change them - Acts 4:24-28
  3. Our need to continue to preach boldly - Acts 4:29


2008-09-30 - Man of Prayer - Father (part 1)

Dads should constantly aware of how how their character impacts their child
But no matter how good we do, we can not fully meet their needs; only the Father can

God is the perfect Father
He is always present and available
He is commited to meeting our physical, emotional, and spiritual needs
No time in our day is more important than the time we spend with Him

2008-10-02 - Man of Prayer - Empowerment

Paul tells us that we don't know how to pray like we should - Romans 8
Part of the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to help us in this area - Romans 8:26-27

God will answer this prayer
We have a tendency to become distracted - help me to be focused

Do not have because we have not asked - James 4:2
Don't forget to pray about praying

2008-10-07 - Man of Prayer - YHWH-mkaddesh

YHWH-mkaddesh means the Lord who sanctifies, he works to change and mold us

Reflection on his name - should remind us how desperately we need the Holy Spirit to work in our life

  • Should be confident that Christ's death was fully adequte
  • We need to be changed
  • We are powerless with him
  • Apart from His intervention, our life is unmanagable and unfruitful

2008-10-17 - Man of Prayer - Kingdom and Prayer
Thy kingdom come and your will be done - their is a nowness (call of God to intervene in our lives)

Our intercessions remain focused on His kingdom and his will - His kingdom first

God influences situation - we should expect that will happen:

Act 12
  • Peter was arrested and thrown into jail
  • Church's response was to pray for divine intervention
    • Not comfort
    • Not for Peter to accept his circumstances
  • The church prayed earnestly
  • God answered - a direct response to their prayers
  • They did not believe Peter was at the door - we are like this
Peter get jailed, they prayed, God brings him back to life

2008-10-18 - Man of Prayer - Praying for our personal lives
Jesus has given us permissions to seek divine intervention
He delights in our desire to experience His intervention

Part our our prayer time should be devoted to our needs:
What do you want?
Sometimes we do not have because we do not ask - James 4:2
OR because our motivation is not proper

Asking for God's favor can not be self-centered because God is infinite:
David asked to be the apple of God's eye - Psalms 17:8
He was a man after his own heart - Acts 13:22

Spiritual needs may include:
  • To submit to the will of God
  • To please the Father
  • To affirm my powerlessness
  • To experience His presence
  • To know his will
  • To be transform (character)
  • To become spiritually mature
  • To be humble
  • To be fruitful
  • To walk in the Spirit
  • To obey willingly and joyfully
  • To receive blessing
  • To be protected
  • To be useful

2008-10-20 - Man of Prayer - Praying for the church leaders
Should pray for the influence and empowerment of the leadership in the church (full-time staff and elders)

They are the primary targets in the spiritual war
If Satan can effectively compromise the the leadership in the church, he may keep believers from being effective

The more a leader brings to the truth of God to the church, the more problems surface
Actually creates greater demand on the staff - pray for refreshment and protection

Pray for leaders to experience:
  • protection
  • fruitfulness
  • effectiveness
  • faithfulness
Don't forget to pray for their families also, since they usually a prime target for Satan too

2008-10-21 - Man of Prayer - Praying for the church body

Should pray for:

  • maturity
  • commitment
  • spiritual health
  • impact on our city

Pray for dreams for the church that will stretch our vision for the church and city
God can do more than we can imagine - Ephesians 3:20

How are you praying for your church? - Its your church
What do you want see God do? Where do you want to see His kingdom advance?


2008-10-27 - Man of Prayer - Daily Bread
Praying for our needs:

1. Needs of our life

2. Desires of our life

3. Area of anxieties - we should not worry about our lives - Matthew 6:25-34
The Biblical antidote for anxiety is prayer

Make a list of all the sources of desire and anxiety in our life
If I wanted it or worried about it - decide to pray about it

Also keep in mind to ask God to not give me anything that would not be a blessing
Israel asked for meat and received it from God while in the dessert - but also sent leanness into their souls - Psalms 106:15

2008-11-14 - Man of Prayer - Meditation

One may ask, where is the quiet listening part of prayer in this book

God encourages us to be still and know that he is God - Psalms 46:10

Mature prayer is not intended to be a monologue, but a dialogue

Christian meditation and Eastern meditation has to do with is in our minds as meditate
Eastern = empty our minds - dangerous activity
New Age = visualization of pleasant and peaceful landscapes as spiritual guides - opens a door to tremendous spiritual deception

Biblically based contemplation and meditation seeks not to empty the mind but fill it
God will speak through impression and intuition - should always be checked against the Bible and mature Christians

2008-11-21 - Raising Awesome Kids - Strength and Conviction (part 1)
But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord - Joshua 24:15

Fathers should be the rock of our family

When the call goes forth in the kingdom of God for response and sacrifice, we must lead the way
Our personal walk with God and our zeal should be an inspiration

Our responsibility to initiate, plan, and conduct family devotionals
If we have convictions, our family will have them

Natural thing for children to want to follow the lead of their father

2008-11-22 - Raising Awesome Kids - Strength and Conviction (part 2)
Jesus is strong - we should be too

Challenges should not break us down into depression or despair
If we fall, who will stand?
God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Need to strong physically as well
Get out and get some exercise - take some fat off

Jesus was a carpenter, he walked every went
Your child will be proud to bring their friends home to meet you
Youthful energy from a older person is very impressive

2008-11-23 - Raising Awesome Kids - Provision and Protection
If anyone does not provide for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever - 1 Timothy 5:8

Our families should never have to worry about where the next meal is coming from
Our Heavenly Father provides for all our physical needs - Matthew 6:25-34
We should not imitate him in caring for my children?

He works his land , will have abundant food - Proverbs 28:19
Get adequate medical insurance - so you do not burden your family will major costs

Takes care of things around the house
Do the repair jobs and maintenance work
Husbands who are lazy - kids will see this and either disrespect us or gladly imitate us in it

Fathers are protectors
If any family member is in a situation where they are being beaten down, overwhelmed - this is the time to act
Should not shield them from the realities of life, but from the forces from which they become helpless

2008-11-29 - Raising Awesome Kids - Humility and Approachability
Clothe yourself with humility toward one another - 1 Peter 5:5
Our families know how imperfect we are

Most responsibility = most mistakes

Powerful and enduring leaders are those without pretension
Paul said he was the chief of sinners

Apologize bluntly
Apologize quickly
Ask "Is everything all right? Is anything else bothering you?"

Wallowing in guilt or losing self-confidence over your mistakes is not true humility - it is selfishness and lack of faith
People in our family should feel free to come to us and tell us whatever is on their mind
Our responsibility is to create a feeling of freedom and openness in our households
If we do not, we are headed for a day of bitter reckoning

2008-12-01 - Raising Awesome Kids - Love
Love is of first importance. All else is secondary.
Above all we should have love - 1 Peter 4:8

Lack of love, we are nothing - 1 Corinthians 13:1-3
We may lavish upon our children the finest things but if we do not make them feel loved, it is all to no avail

If there is closeness and love between us and our kids, we have a place to stand and start for the battle of their hearts
Build our families on love and our kids will be strong

Kids are born with the capacity to love, but not all learn how

2008-12-02 - Raising Awesome Kids - Teach Them About God's Love
They should be taught from infancy that:
  • God cares for them
  • God knows all about them
  • God takes delight in them
  • He longs to be close to them
Your children's view of God is the most important lesson you will ever teach them
It shapes their whole view of life and reality

Continue teaching, do not foist your past (if bad) on your child:
They have been assigned a personal angel to look after them - Matthew 18:10

2008-12-06 - Raising Awesome Kids - Teach them to love others

Kids who are showered with love must be taught to give it away
Otherwise they will become selfish, aloof, and arrogant
God commands us to love hime in return

Love and concern for others should be talked about often
Children learn to love by helping - capable of so much more than we think

We can do far too much for them - creates self-centeredness
They way we treat others is the way we treat Jesus - Matthew 25:34-40

The whole family is an instrument of God - God will use in us is a dark and lost world

2008-12-12 - Raising Awesome Kids - Winning Obedience from Children (part 1)

Discipline your son and he will give you give - Proverbs 29:17

From the very beginning children should learn to obey
Should be a habit and a pattern = happy family

Our will and word will be supreme
We should not expect to have to tell them again

Repeating ourselves and louder each time is not true obedience - find ourselves frustrated, weary, and resentful


2008-12-16 - Raising Awesome Kids - Deaf Disobedience

Some kids act as if we do not exist:

  • Tell them to do something - no action
  • Repeat action - same results
  • Verbal agreement - nothing happens

This is also disobedience

There should be no repetition of commands and expect action
If this is not your expectation and pattern, your kids will learn to be lazy and slow to obey

If you allow this to go unchecked, it will ultimately destroy a child's character and wear you out as well

2008-12-17 - Raising Awesome Kids - Dreary Disobedience (part 1)

Tearful, self-pity can drive parents to guilt, rage, and frustration - this is a form of disobedience
This is an attempt by the child to break down the parent - we must not give in
It is a character flaw that one day will produce an unhappy, victim mentality adult

Do everything without complaining of arging - Philippians 2:14-16
This is what God expects from us and we should expect it from our children


2008-12-21 - Raising Awesome Kids - Power of Discipline (part 3)

What does the Bible say about spanking?

He who spares the rod hates his son - Proverbs 13:24
The rod of discipline will drive folly far away - Proverbs 22:15
If you punish with the rod, they will not die - Proverbs 23:13-14

Message is clear - Spanking is vaild, employed with wisdom and love

  1. Spanking should be an event
  2. Explain beforehand the reason for the spanking
  3. Cool off before spanking a child - must be complete self-control and not retaliatory
  4. Use a designate paddle - do not hand spank - too personal
  5. Spanking must result in change, contrite heart
  6. Bring things to resolution
  7. Do not spank for every offence - children in elementary years, spanking is less appropriate
  8. Spank on the safe backside or thigh
  9. Start as soon as the child begins to understand the word no; about 14 months

2008-12-24 - Raising Awesome Kids - Gods Training Plan (part 2)

Deuteronomy 6:4-9

These Commandment (v. 6)

Bible is the underlaying basis for all training
It is the very word of God:

  • To be revered
  • To be loved
  • To be believed

Paul said of Timothy  - from infancy you have know the holy scriptures - 2 Timothy 3:!5

Love the Lord your God (v. 5)

Training flows from a relationshop of love with the personal God
Not  "do-it-ot-else" mentality - missed the point
Bible should be used continually, not just for some "extra" authority is needed

2008-12-25 - Raising Awesome Kids - Gods Training Plan (part 3)

These commandments... are to be upon your hearts (v. 6)

Should train from the heart level
in their minds and on their minds - Hebrews 10:16

Impress them on your children (v. 7)

Training with the Scriptures must be done with great conviction, sincerity and earnestness
If you want it to stick, you will need to give all you have

Talk about them always (v. 7)

Train consistantly - everywhere, anytime, anyplace

About teaching our children how to live life - not nagging about their misdeeds

Make it fun, doable, effective

Most training should be spontaneous

Never underestimate how many times we will have to say the same things over and over again

2009-01-04 - Raising Awesome Kids - Prayer
We should pray for our children continually
To protect them, guide them, save them, and one day take them to heaven

Paul - Prayed day and night to Timothy - 2 Timothy 1:3
Most powerful weapon available in their spiritual defense and offense

We must pray with our children as well
Regular times such as bedtime and mealtime to start
Praying while going to place like church are also helpful
In times of difficulty and great challenge - we can do nothing without his blessing

What if they do not want to pray?
Talk about how God wants to be close to them
Do not do other activities are bedtime either, too tired for prayer than to tired for _______

2009-01-06 - Raising Awesome Kids - Family Devotionals

Family worship is an abolute must if we are to build a spiritual household
It is a time for the entire family gathers to sing, pray, study the Bible, draw near to one another and worship God

Two or three come together in my name, there am I with them - Matthew 18:19-20

Shouldn't be anything but a boring or irrelevant hour
Should be dynamic, fun, down-to-earth, and creative

Plan devotionals with your spouse - select relevant to the current needs
Time to confront sometimes but mainly to teach, train, and inspire

Last about 45 mins
10-20 of singing - various selections
The lesson with plenty of discussion
Acting out the Bible and role-playing
Close out with prayer

2009-01-08 - Raising Awesome Kids - Evangelistic Lifestyle
Something the whole family should think about constantly
Each child has a role in reaching another family

Too many of us separate our families from our outreach to others
Our families are the brightest light that God can use to illuminate a dark world

  • Have people into your home
  • Draw people into your family life
  • When they see what there is - teach them where it comes from

2009-01-13 - Raising Awesome Kids - Openness

Instead, speak the truth in love - Ephesians 4:15

An open family is a close family
No simmering backlog of unresolved problems - children should free to speak their minds at any time

Children should believe that we care enough to give them our full attention; will not fly off the handle
This establishes an open door policy with them

Openness is not limited to parents and children - includes the children with one another
Never allow conflict between kids to go unsettled
Send them off to talk about it - Mediate if needed

King Saul - filled with jealousy and envy and held in his feelings
His patteren was to think one thing and say something else - 1 Samuel 18
Resulting in complete emotional and spiritual breakdown

Parent should be concerned for a child that holds everything in
Have open talks during your family devotional times
Establish an atmosphere of freedom and openness

2009-01-19 - Jesus with People - Through the Roof

When the paralyzed man came down through the roof - damaged the house of Peter and Andrew - how would you respond?

Jesus demonstrated his love for people in the way he deals with the crowds

Everywhere he went, Jesus drew a crowd
He spoke with authority, conviction because he deeply cared about people

We need to care enough to gather a crowd - People need to be our focus
They need to be in our homes, in our Saturday plans, and focus of our lunch hour

Jesus with the Religious
Their slavery to legalistic minutiae angered him - Matthew 23:23-24
Their stubborn hearts distressed him - Mark 3:1-5
Jesus desire was for them to be saved

Jesus with the Faithful
Jesus gets the greatest joy from interacting with people who believe
Centurion - the faith he was looking for - Luke 18:8
What fires Jesus up? Faith

If we follow Jesus, the smallest seed of faith that we see in others should encourage and excite us.

Who big is your crowd?
Do you see the faith of others?
Is Jesus amazed by your faith or your lack of it?

2009-01-30 - Jesus with People - Greatest in th Kingdom
I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom  of heaven - Matthew 18:1-4

Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost - Matthew 18:12-14

We need to become like children in a very specific way
Our human nature wants to be first and to have control
Matthew 18 were driven by the same desire - they asked Jesus "Who is the greatest?"
When become like little children, we become like Jesus

Paraphrase - Because of your power-hungry pride you guys are not even in the kingdom of God, and nothing will change this fact unless you start imitating this child

After Jesus' sacrifice, all his teachings made sense
Having a child's humility is impossible until we understand the cross
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends - John 15:13

Must see other brothers and sisters in Christ as God's little spiritual children who must be cared for
God's heart is that not a single person be lost
Do we feel the personal responsibility for others?

Who do you know who is struggling spiritually? What can you do to help them?

2009-02-02 - Jesus with People - Seeing and Not Seeing
Luke 7:36-50 - Simon, I have something to tell you
Jesus is able to cut through the muck - right to the heart
He had outspoken clarity - Luke 7:40

In truth Simon saw neither the woman or himself for how they really were

Jesus did see the woman - Her sin was obvious as her brokenness
He actions came from her new sense of reality
Once she saw Jesus, she responded the only way she could have - compelled by love - 2 Corinthians 5:14

Jesus' words should have cut Simon deeply - But he who has been forgiven little lives little

He wants to have a relationship with us
Think of trying to have a relationship with ant - talking with it, caring for it and especially dying for it - it is unfathomable!

How many times did Jesus change people's view if God?

Who am I most like: Simon or the sinful woman?

2009-03-10 - Promises of God - God is Merciful
God is merciful - Deuteronomy 4:29-31

Even when you have sinned greatly and even when you think - This time I have really blown it
God promises if from there you seek him, even from a deep dark hole of shame, disappointment and failure - you will find him
Must be with all of your heart

We are not the best judge for our own repentance
Our loved should know and should be asked

It is from the deepest darkest hole that that God promises are the most truest

For the Lord your God is a merciful God; he will not abandon or destroy you - Deuteronomy 4:31

2009-03-16 - Promises of God - Strength From Prayer

Jesus had to overcome unfathomable temptation - Matthew 26:36-36

If he chose to follow through with his Father's will: humiliting insults, excruciating beatings, and agoninzing crucifixion would follow

Jesus: If it's possible, may this cup be taken from me
He knew what we needed to do
He struggled to get his heart where it needed to be
He prayed until he found strength he needed to overcome

We should ask ourselves: How many hours have I wrestled with it in prayer?
We cannot expect to withstand tempation if we are not ready to wrestle in prayer until God gives us the strength

We must turn to God at the moment we are tempted - it may take hours but we will have great power to resist sin

2009-04-15 - Promises of God - Importance of Repentance
God's goodness and God's blessing are designed to lead us to repentance - Romans 2:4

God's will is for us to hear about God's faithfulness and his promises and to decide:
  • To please him
  • To change
  • To serve him better
Dynamic relationship between promises of God and our repentance:
  1. God's promises and faithfulness should inspire repentance
  2. We need to rely on the promises even as we commit to repentance
  3. Truly become repentant
  4. We refrain from taking personal credit because we understand we are being recused

2009-04-18 - Why We Need God - He is Our Creator
  1. Knows us better than we ourselves
  2. Even as the manufacturer knows his product better than anyone else
  3. Knows our weaknesses and our strengths
  4. Is the best source to find the answers to such questions as:
a.  Where did I come from?
b.  Why am I here?
c.  Where am I going?
d.  How should I live?

2009-05-01 - No one like him - Differences from Jesus and the prophets (part 2)
4. Forgiving sins
Prophets – God can forgive your sins
Jesus – He said their sins were given by him
To the paralytic - “…may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins” (Mark 2:10)
To the sinful women – “her many sins have been forgiven” (Luke 7:47)
5. Called himself “Son of Man” / Savior
Prophets – God saves
Jesus knew he was the one to save the world from sin
“…Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45)
“This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins” (Matthew 26:28)
6. He is a judge
Prophets – God judges
Jesus - “…my judgment is just” (John 5:30))
On the last day - “Many will say to me on that day, Lord, Lord…” (Matthew 7:22)
No genuine prophet ever preached like this
  1. How to live
  2. Be committed to him
  3. Should love him

2009-05-04 - No one like him - His dependence on God (part 3)
4. I cannot draw people to myself on my own – I can not save anyone
  • “All that the Father gives me will come to me…” (John 6:37)
  • “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him…” (John 6:44)
5. I cannot judge on my own - emotions and subjectivity might get in the way
  • “I pass judgment on no one … I am not alone.” (John 8:15-16)
  • “[God] has given him authority to judge…” (John 5:27)
6. I cannot glorify myself – it is for God’s glory
“…God, is the one who glorifies me.” (John 8:54)

Challenging to Jesus to be humble - tempted with being the preexisting Son of God

Jesus understood he belonged to God – we should have this same understanding

2009-05-17 - No one like him - Jesus responds with scriptures
Satan attempted Jesus in the dessert - Matthew 4:3,7,10

Scriptures were he turned for strength, guidance, and direction

Scriptures were on Jesus' in the end
  • Thought of bringing legions of angel - Matthew 26:54
  • Why have you forsaken me? - Mark 15:34
  • Into your hands I commit my spirit - Luke 23:46
If Jesus had this view of the OT, what should be our response to the NT?

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