Topical Bible by Topic

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Compassion / Concern

Be compassionate and humble - 1 Peter 3:8
Be compassionate to one another - Ephesians 4:32
Because of his great compassion, God did not leave them in the dessert - Nehemiah 9:19
Clothe yourself with compassion - Colossians 3:12
God bears our burdens daily - Psalms 68:19
God defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow - Deuteronomy 10:18
God heals the brokenhearted - Psalms 147:3
God is compassionate - Exodus 22:27
God is gracious and compassionate - 2 Chronicles 30:9
God looked on the Israelites and was concerned about them - Exodus 2:25
God protects widows or orphans - Exodus 22:22, 23
God rises to show you compassion - Isaiah 30:18
Husbands, be considerate with your wives - 1 Peter 3:7
Like a father, the Lord has compassion on those who fear him - Psalms 103:13
Lord listens to our cries for help - Psalms 22:24
Mourn with those who mourn - Romans 12:15
Show compassion to one another - Zechariah 7:9

Instances of

God had compassion on the Ninevites - after seeing them turn from their evil ways - Jonah 3:10
Jesus - "I have compassion for these people" - Matthew 15:32
Jesus - concern for other even in pain - John 19:25, 26, 27
Jesus - had compassion on the crowds because they were harassed and helpless - Matthew 9:36