Bible Outlines

Outlines of each book of the Bible


    1. Primeval History
      1. The Creation (Genesis 1:1 - 2:3)
        1. Earth was formless and dark
        2. Creation of the World
          1. Day One – Light (vs. 3-5)
            1. Separated light and darkness
            2. @ 1 Peter 2:9-10 – spiritually, God separates light from darkness
          2. Day Two – Sky (vs. 6-8)
            1. Water under the expanse
            2. Water above the expanse – called Sky
          3. Day Three – Land, Seas and vegetation (vs. 9-13)
            1. Land gathered
            2. Seas gathered
            3. Vegetation
              1. Seed-bearing plants
              2. Fruit-bearing tree with seeds
          4. Day Four – Day and Night (vs. 14-19)
            1. Purpose
              1. Sign to mark day, seasons, and years
              2. Give light to the earth
            2. What was created
              1. Sun – “govern the day”
              2. Moon – “lesser light to govern the night”
              3. Stars
                1. @ Genesis 15:5 - God told Abram that his offspring would be as numerous as the stars
          5. Day Five - Creatures of Water and Air (vs 20-23)
            1. Fish
              1. ~ Teem  = to be full, as though ready to bring forth young; abound; swarm
            2. Birds
          6. Day Six – Animals and Man (vs 24-31)
            1. Animals
            2. Man
              1. From God’s image
                1. & Film – images are made from the negatives
              2. % Be fruitful and increase in number
              3. % Rule over every living creature
            3. God gives all green plants for food
            4. God is pleased with what he made
          7. Day Seven – Rest (vs 2:1-3)
            1. SR# 7673 - Rested = to repose, desist from exertion
            2. @ Exodus 16:22-23 – Sabbath first commands to honor God’s rest
      2. Creation of Man (Genesis 2:4 - 2:25)
        1. Eden (vs 1-17)
          1. God placed man there
          2. Trees
            1. Trees that are pleasing and good to eat
            2. Tree of life
            3. Tree of knowledge of good and evil
          3. Rivers
            1. Pishon – winds through the land of gold (Havilah)
            2. Gihon - winds through the land of Cush
            3. Tigris – east side of Asshur
            4. Euphrates
          4. % Do not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil – you will die
        2. Adam names all the creators (vs 19-20)
          1. God watched to see what he would name them
          2. What ever he gave them, it was their name
        3. Formation of Woman (vs 18,20-25)
          1. While Adam was sleeping – God caused
          2. Formed from Adam’s rib
            1. SR# 6763 - Rib = a side, literally (of a person)
          3. Called Eve
          4. Woman = “taken from man”
          5. Will become one flesh
            1. @ Ephesians 5:31 – Quoted in the NT
          6. Naked and felt no shame
      3. The Fall of Man (Genesis 3:1 - 3:24)
        1. Eden (vs 1-17)
          1. God placed man there
          2. Trees
            1. Trees that are pleasing and good to eat
            2. Tree of life
            3. Tree of knowledge of good and evil
          3. Rivers
            1. Pishon – winds through the land of gold (Havilah)
            2. Gihon - winds through the land of Cush
            3. Tigris – east side of Asshur
            4. Euphrates
          4. % Do not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil – you will die
        2. Adam names all the creators (vs 19-20)
          1. God watched to see what he would name them
          2. What ever he gave them, it was their name
        3. Formation of Woman (vs 18,20-25)
          1. While Adam was sleeping – God caused
          2. Formed from Adam’s rib
            1. SR# 6763 - Rib = a side, literally (of a person)
          3. Called Eve
          4. Woman = “taken from man”
          5. Will become one flesh
            1. @ Ephesians 5:31 – Quoted in the NT
          6. Naked and felt no shame
      4. Cain and Abel (Genesis 4:1 - 4:26)
        1. Eve gave birth
          1. Cain - “help from the Lord” – He worked the soil
          2. Abel - Kept flocks
        2. Their offering
          1. Abel – fat portions from the first born of the flock
          2. Cain – fruits of the soil
        3. God looked with favor toward Abel not Cain
          1. Cain becomes angry
          2. Face became downcast
        4. God asks Cain his anger
          1. If you do what is right – you will be accepted
          2. Do not do what is right – sin is couching at your door
          3. % Master your desire
        5. Cain kills Abel
          1. Lead Abel into a field
          2. Attacked Abel
        6. God asks Cain about Abel
          1. God - Where is he?
          2. Cain – Am I my brother’s keeper?
            1. We are our brother’s (sister’s) keeper!
            2. & Hebrews 3:12-13 – See to it that encourage one another daily
          3. God – What have you done?
        7. God punishes Cain
          1. Drove him from the land
          2. Hidden from God’s presence
          3. Ground will no longer produce crops for you
        8. Cain’s response
          1. More than I can bear – who ever finds me will kill me
          2. God – anyone who kill you will suffer vengeance – 7x over
            1. God marked Cain to identify him
            2. Lived in the land of Nod
        9. Cain’s line
          1. Birth to Enoch – named city Cain built after him
          2. Enoch birth to Irad
          3. Irad birth to Mehujael
          4. Mehujael birth to Methushael
          5. Methushael birth to Lamech
          6. Lamech
            1. Adah – first wife
              1. Jabal – father of those who lived in tents
              2. Jubal – father of playing harp and flute
            2. Zillah – second wife
              1. Tubal-Cain – forged tools out of bronze and iron
              2. Naamah (sister)
            3. Says - Cain death would be avenged 7x over, then Lamech 77x over
          7. Eve gives birth to Seth
            1. “God has granted me another child in place of Abel”
            2. Seth son’s name – Enosh
        10. Men began to call on the name of the Lord
      5. From Adam to Noah (Genesis 5:1 - 5:32)
        1. Adam
          1. Lived to be 930
        2. Seth
          1. Adam was 130 at his birth
          2. Lived to be 912
        3. Enosh
          1. Seth was 105 at his birth
          2. Lived to be 905
        4. Kenan
          1. Enosh was 90 at his birth
          2. Lived to be 910
        5. Mahalalel
          1. Kenan was 70 at his birth
          2. Lived to be 895
        6. Jared
          1. Mahalalel was 65 at his birth
          2. Lived to be 962
        7. Enoch
          1. Jared was 162 at his birth
          2. Lived to be 365
          3. God took him away
        8. Methuselah
          1. Enoch was 65 at his birth
          2. Lived to be 969 – oldest person to ever live
        9. Lamech
          1. Methuselah was 187 at his birth
          2. Lived to be 777
        10. 10.   Noah
          1. Sons – Shem, Ham, and Japheth
      6. The Flood (Genesis 6:1 - 9:29)
        1. Causes of the Flood
          1. God was not contend with man forever
            1. Man is to be mortal
            2. Man’s life will be 120 or less
          2. Wickedness
            1. Every inclination of the thoughts of the heart was evil
              1. @ Hebrews 4:12-13 – God knows what we are thinking
            2. God grieved that He made man
            3. Heart of God filled with pain
            4. God would wipe out men, animals and bird
        2. God goes to Noah
          1. Noah was a righteous man
            1. Found favor in the eyes of God
            2. Blameless
            3. He walked with God
          2. Commands from God to Noah
            1. Make an ark
              1. Cypress wood
              2. Coat rooms with pitch, inside and out
              3. Dimensions: 45ft x 75ft x 450ft
              4. Make a roof
              5. Make lower, middle and upper decks
            2. Bring into the ark
              1. Two of all living creature, male and female
              2. Kept them alive
              3. Take every kind of food for you and them
          3. Promises to Noah
            1. Floodwater will come and destroy all life.
            2. God is putting an end to man and earth
            3. Covent with Noah
              1. You (Noah)
              2. Your wife
              3. Your sons
              4. Son’s wives
            4. Seven day from now – rain on 40 day and nights
            5. I will wipe out every creature I have made
          4. Further commands to Noah
            1. Take seven of every kind of male and its mate
            2. Take two of every kind of male and its mate
            3. Take seven of every kind of bird, male and female
          5. Noah did just as God commanded him (vs 6:22, 7:5)
        3. Noah obeys
          1. Noah 600 years old (2nd month, 17th day) when floodwaters came
          2. Noah, Noah’s wife, sons, their wives enter the ark (8)
          3. Paris of clean and unclean animals enter the ark
          4. Lord shut them in
        4. Flood begins
          1. All springs of the great depth burst forth
          2. Floodgates of heaven opened up
          3. Rained for 40 days and 40 nights
          4. Ark rose high above the earth
            1. All the mountains were covered by more than twenty feet
        5. During the flood
          1. Every creature perished
            1. Animals that moved on the ground
              1. Birds
              2. Livestock
              3. Wild Animals
            2. All creatures that swarm over the earth
            3. Mankind
            4. Every on dry land that had the breath of life
          2. Waters flooded the earth for 150 days
        6. Receding waters
          1. God remembered Noah and the animals
          2. God stopped the water
            1. Sent a wind over the earth
            2. Springs of the deep closed
            3. Floodgates of the heavens closed
          3. Water receded steadily
            1. 150 days
            2. Seventeenth day of the seventh month came to rest
              1. Mountains of Ararat
            3. Continued receding until the tenth month
            4. 1st day of the tenth month – tops of mountains were visible
          4. Noah tests for dry land
            1. After 40 days – Noah opens the window
            2. Sent a raven - flying until water dried from the earth
            3. Sent a dove – found no place set its feet and returned to the ark
            4. Waited for 7days
            5. Returned in the evening with an olive branch
            6. Waited 7 days
            7. Sent dove but it did not return
          5. Noah sees surface
            1. 1st day of the 1st month
            2. Removed covering – saw the ground was dry
            3. By 27th day of the 2nd month it was completely dry
          6. Noah leaves ark
            1. & Come out of the ark
              1. Noah
              2. Wife
              3. Son’s and their wives
              4. Every kind of living creature
            2. & Multiply and increase in number; Fill the world earth
            3. Noah comes out along with his family and all living creatures
        7. After the Flood (9:18 – 9:29)
          1. Noah builds an alter to the Lord
            1. He uses clean animals and birds
            2. Sacrificed burnt offering
            3. Lord smelled the pleasing aroma
              1. God - Never again will I curse the ground because of man
              2. God – man’s every thought is evil from childhood
              3. God – Never again will I destroy all living creatures
              4. God - Will not cease
                1. Seedtime and harvest
                2. Cold and heat
                3. Summer and winter
                4. Day and night
        8. God’s Covent with Noah (9:1 – 9:17)
          1. Same commands like those given to Adam
            1. % Be fruitful and increase in number (vs 9:1,7)
          2. Everything that lives and moves will be foods for you
            1. People before the flood could only each plants – (vs 9:3)
            2. Exception – food with lifeblood still in it
              1. God will demand account for these lives
            3. God – Never will all life be cut off by the water of a flood to destroy the earth
            4. Sign of the covenant - Rainbow in the clouds
              1. Every time a rainbow appears it reminds God of the covenant
              2. An everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures
          3. Noah and his sons
            1. From them came the people who would scatter over the earth
            2. Noah was a man of the soil
              1. Planted a vineyard
              2. Drank some of the wine and became drunk
              3. Laid uncovered in his tent
                1. Ham (father of Canann) found him and told his brothers
                2. Shem and Japheth covered their father nakedness
                3. They turned their faces so they would not see
              4. Noah cursed Ham (Canann) for broadcasting rather than covering Noah
                1. Lowest of slaves
                2. Slave of Shem
                3. Slave of Japheth
        9. Noah lives 350 more year and dies at 950
      7. Table of Nations (Genesis 10:1 - 10:32)
        1. Sons of Noah (Son’s line of decedents formed nations)
          1. Japhethites
            1. Gomer
              1. Ashkenaz
              2. Riphath
              3. Togarmah
          2. Magog
          3. Madai
          4. Javan
            1. Elishah
            2. Tarhish
            3. Kittim
            4. Rodanim – spread into territories with their own language
          5. Tubal
          6. Meshech
          7. Tiras
        2. Hamites
          1. Cush
            1. Seba
            2. Havilah
            3. Sabtah
            4. Raamah
              1. Sheba
              2. Dedan
            5. Sabteca
            6. Nimrod – mighty warrior
              1. Centers of his kingdom
                1. Bsbylon
                2. Erech
                3. Akkad
                4. Calneh – in Shinar
                5. In Assyria he built
                  1. Nineveh
                  2. Rehonoth Ir
                  3. Calah
                  4. Resen – great city and between Nineveh and Calah 
          2. Mizraim
            1. Ludites
            2. Anamites
            3. Lebabites
            4. Naphtuhites
            5. Pathrustics
            6. Casluhites – Where the Philistines came
            7. Caphtorites
        3. Put
        4. Canann (borders reached Sidom to Gerar, Gaza to Sodom, Gomorah, Admah and Zeboiim as far as Lasha
          1. Sidon – first born of the Hitties
          2. Jebusites
          3. Amorites
          4. Girgashites
          5. Hivites
          6. Arkites
          7. Sinites
          8. Arvadites
          9. Zemarites
          10. Hamathites
        5. Semites (Mesha toward Sephar) eastern him country
          1. Elam
          2. Asshur
          3. Arphaxad
            1. Shelah
              1. Eber
                1. Peleg – at the time the earth was divided
                2. Joktan
                  1. Almodad
                  2. Sheleph
                  3. Hazarmaveth
                  4. Jerah
                  5. Hadoram
                  6. Uxal
                  7. Diklah
                  8. Obal
                  9. Abimael
                  10. Sheba
                  11. Ophir
                  12. Havilah
                  13. Jobab
          4. Lud
          5. Aram
            1. Uz
            2. Hul
            3. Gether
            4. Meshech
      8. The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1 - 11:9)
        1. Whole world had one language
        2. Men moved eastward
          1. Toward the Shinar plain
          2. Settled there
        3. The Plan
          1. Make bricks
          2. Use tar as mortar
          3. Build a city
          4. Build a tower that reaches to the heavens
        4. The Purpose
          1. To make a name for our self
          2. So they would not be scattered
            1. Disobedience to the command that God gave to fill the earth (Genesis 9:1)
        5. God sees what men are doing
          1. Sees them speaking one language
          2. No sin will be impossible for them
        6. God acts to save creation
          1. Confuses languages
          2. Stopped building the city
          3. Scatters people all over the earth
          4. Called Babel – where the Lord confused the languages of the whole world
    2. Patriarchal History
      1. The Life of Abraham (Genesis 11:10 - 25:18)
        1. From Shem to Abram
          1. Shem (lived to be 500)
          2. Arphaxad (Shem was 100 years [2 years after flood] old when born) (Lived to be 403)
          3. Shelah (Arphaxad was 35 years old when born) (Lived to be 403)
          4. Eber (Shelah was 30 years old when born) (Lived to be 430)
          5. Peleg (Eber was 34 years old when born) (Lived to be 209)
          6. Reu (Peleg was 30 years old when born) (Lived to be 207)
          7. Serug (Reu was 32 years old when born) (Lived to be 200)
          8. Nahor (Serug was 30 years old when born) (Lived to be 119)
          9. Terah (Nahor was 29 years old when born) (Lived to be 205)
            1. Abram (wife was Sarai – barren and had no children)
            2. Nahor (wife was Mialcah, daughter of Haran)
            3. Haran – died in Ur of the Chaldeans
              1. Lot
              2. Milcah (Nahor’s wife)
              3. Iscah
        2. Call of Abram
          1. Terah took Abram, Lot, and Sarai set out from Ur of the Chaldeans to Canaan
          2. They ended up in Haran and settled there
          3. Terah (Abram’s father) died in Haran
          4. God gives Abram direction
            1. % Leave your country, your people, and your father’s household
            2. % Go to the land God shows him
          5. God promised Abram good things
            1. Make you into a great nation
            2. I will bless you
            3. Make your name great
            4. Bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you
        3. Abram left for Canaan
          1. Who/what went with him
            1. Sarai
            2. Lot
            3. Possessions they had accumulated
            4. People they had required in Haran
          2. Abram was 75 years old
          3. Traveled through site of the great tree of Moreh at Shechem
            1. Canaanites were in the land
            2. God appears to Abram
            3. I will give your offspring this land
            4. Abraham built an alter to the Lord
          4. Abram went to the hills east of Bethel (Bethel on the west; Ali to the east)
            1. Pitched a tent
            2. Abraham built an alter to the Lord
            3. Called on the name of the Lord
            4. Set out to Negev
        4. Abram in Egypt
          1. Left because of the severe famine
          2. Abram’s deception
            1. He Sarai is so beautiful he fears the Egyptians will want her and kill him
            2. He tell his wife to say she is his sister
            3. Egyptians saw that she was beautiful
              1. Officials praised to Pharaoh
              2. Took her to the palace
              3. They treated Abram well because of her sake and acquired:
                1. Sheep
                2. Cattle
                3. Male donkeys
                4. Female donkeys
                5. Menservants
                6. Maidservants
                7. Camels
            4. God inflicted disease on Pharaoh and his household because of Sarai
              1. Pharaoh summoned Abram
              2. Pharaoh asked
                1. “What have you done?”
                2. “Why didn’t you tell me she was your wife?”
                3. “Why did you tell me she was your sister?”
              3. Pharaoh gave back Sarai
              4. Abram was ordered to leave along with his wife and everything he had
        5. Abram and Lot separate
          1. Abram went up from Egypt to Negev with:
            1. Wife
            2. Lot
            3. Everything he had
              1. Livestock
              2. Silver
              3. Gold
          2. Went from place to place from Negev to Bethel
          3. And then settled to a place where he was before (see picture II-A-3-d)
        6. Abram Rescues Lot
        7. God’s Covenant with Abram
        8. Hagar and Ishmael
        9. Covenant of Circumcision
        10. Three Visitors
        11. Abraham pleads for Sodom
        12. Sodom and Gomorrah Destroyed
        13. Lot and His Daughters
        14. Abraham and Abimelech
        15. Birth of Isaac
        16. Treaty at Beersheba
        17. Abraham Tested
        18. Nahor’s Sons
        19. Death of Sarah
        20. Isaac and Rebekah
        21. Death of Abraham
      2. The Life of Isaac (Genesis 25:19 - 26:35)
        1. The Family of Isaac
        2. The Failure of Isaac
        3. The Failure of Esau
      3. The Life Jacob (Genesis 27:1 - 36:35)
        1. Jacob Gains Esau’s Blessing
        2. Jacob Life at Haran
        3. Jacob Return
        4. Jacob’s Residence in Canaan
        5. The History of Esau
      4. The Life of Joseph (Genesis 37:1 - 50:26)
        1. The Corruption of Joseph’s FamilyJoseph’s Dream
        2. Joseph Sold by His Brothers
        3. The Exaltation of Joseph
        4. The Salvation of Jacob’s Family
          1. Jacob goes to Egypt