Quiet Time Notes

Notes from my daily Quiet Times with God

The Character of Jesus (part I)

January 21st, 2017
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The character of Jesus sums the qualities Jesus that distinguishes from other men

We are rightly prepared to listen to Jesus when we know something of what Jesus is

The Scientific Method - no scientist can be begin his work unless he is put in possession of definte and contrete facts

In this course, we will look at defintite and clean-cut facts

  • Sayings - we will find many of them hard to understand
  • Personality - we will find ourselves face to face with mysteries too deep to fathom
  • Character - handling something concrete and comprehensible

Not only is this is the scientific method, it is the New Testament method

Jesus desires men to come to the truth which he is to give to the world by a knowledge of his character

Whom are you looking for? ... Come and see - John 1:39


Key Phrase: Jesus desires men to come to the truth which he is to give to the world by a knowledge of his character